Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our September 29th, 2012 Prayer Letter

September 29, 2012

Dear Friends,

            We hope this finds you doing well. We have had another busy month with various ministry and family activities. In fact, we are scrambling to get our prayer letter done a day early so we can finish the month with a busy weekend! On Saturday, Kent will travel to and from Kansas City to attend a performance with a friend while Lisa spends the day in Salina with her father. Sunday will be a full day of ministry opportunities as Kent preaches at Living Hope Foursquare Church here in Concordia and then in the evening serves as the host for a Teens For Christ Family Film Night in Miltonvale.

Students having fun during the game at the September TFC Rally.
            Having mentioned Lisa’s dad, Harry Marty, let us give you a little background. He has just finished up week number two of radiation treatments for prostate cancer in Salina. He has seven more weeks to go. We have been blessed to find a good place for him to stay down there during this time and many other details seem to be coming together.  Still, we would very much appreciate prayers for Harry during his treatment time and recovery. (Harry would appreciate that as well.)
            A couple years ago, I (Kent) stood on Sixth Street here in Concordia after one of our Teens For Christ programs as a good friend listened patiently to me as I vented some frustrations to him. I was frustrated about the lack of participation we get from area churches. My friend, whom I respect very much, had this line to offer when I asked what his thoughts were. He replied, “The churches are afraid that you will get the credit.” When I stated that we weren’t chasing the “credit”, he assured me that he knew that and understood where our heart is on that issue.

Jossalin turned four on September 21st. While we were at El Puerto, she got the Birthday Whipped Cream Treatment. She declared loudly when it was done that it was “Rude!” We thought it was cute.
            Now fast forward to this past month. At the September Teens For Christ Rally, guest speaker Andrew Laughlin gave a good message to the students who were at the program. The response for the invitation was modest with one student and one adult responding for prayer. The student had her youth group pray with her along with several of her friends, while the adult found some quiet one-on-one time with a friend of ours. Overall, I was thinking to myself that this response was good considering the size of the crowd we had that night.
            On September 18th, Andrew shared this email that was sent to him by Gabe Hughes who served as our Praise & Worship leader at the September TFC Rally:
"Hey, just so you know, we had 4 re-dedications on Sunday morning, and one young man gave his life to Christ for the first time. I can't remember if the guy went to TFC, but three of the four girls did."
            I smiled when I read this and responded to Andrew with this simple phrase:
“Some plant, some water, some reap.”
            That simple phrase that I typed out in my reply is a very simplistic view of this passage of Scripture:
"For when one says, "I am of Paul," and another, "I am of Apollos," are you not mere men? What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth. Now he who plants and he who waters are one; but each will receive his own reward according to his own labor. For we are God's fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building." ~ First Corinthians 3:4-9 (NASB)
            The biggest impact we can have through Teens For Christ is to “plant” and “water” while God causes the “growth” as He takes the lead as Lord of the Harvest. Lisa and I, along with our sponsors, volunteers and support team (you!), together work the “fields” for the Lord. Sometimes it is just to “plant” and “water” with the thought that we may never see what the “harvest” is this side of Heaven.
            As we wrap this up, let us say, “Thank You!” for keeping us in the fields. It can be frustrating at times, but James reminded us that life is a “vapour”, so we will be faithful until He comes. As always, we are in need of financial and prayer support and send these letters out to share that need with you. If you can help, please use the enclosed envelope to send in the gift that the Lord has laid on your heart. Thank you once again for your time and your prayers. Take care and may you have a very blessed October.
Yours For Youth!
Kent & Lisa Otott
Romans 10:15

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