Thursday, December 2, 2010

Looking For The Right Connection

(The following is my article for Church Page article that appears in the Concordia Blade-Empire. It will be printed on 12/03/2010.)

Tuesday morning, we woke up at the Otott house with no internet access. For many people, this wouldn’t be a major headache. We, however, have the Teens For Christ office in our home and internet connectivity is a major necessity in accomplishing much of our ministry business.

We have had this problem before and I knew what was wrong right away - our DSL modem was shot. So I checked with three different stores in Concordia. None of them had the item I needed. One of them did have some on order, but the need for it was now.

Since I was heading to Topeka for a night of ministry, I decided to drop down to Salina. The last time this happened, a place there had the part I needed. Guess what? They were sold out, but had 22 on order. Two other places in Salina didn’t have the needed part. It was time to move on down the road.

A phone call to a store in Junction City gave me hope. “Yes. We have DSL modems!” a young lady assured me. When I got to Junction City, the department manager said the young lady didn’t know what she was talking about and that they had been out of DSL modems for a week and none were slated to arrive soon.

A phone call to a store in Topeka was the last chance. The clerk told me he had one DSL modem left. I told him to please slap my name on it because I was just leaving Junction City headed his way. When I arrived, there was my DSL modem waiting for me!

After a good night of ministry in Topeka and a two hour and fifteen minute drive home, I plugged the DSL modem in and it worked! I had my connection! (This is pretty good for my track record. You can cheer now for my success.)

So what is the big deal? Most places I stopped at told me they didn’t have DSL modems. They were either sold out or didn’t carry them. At some places, even though I was specific in my request, the clerk would offer me a cable modem. That wouldn’t work. In order to have internet connectivity, I needed a DSL modem!

The same thing applies to every man, woman and child in having a right relationship with God. To connect with Him, we need a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. No other option will give us that access with God. No other way will give us Eternal Life. Look at the following passage of Scripture:

"Jesus therefore said to them again, "Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly. I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep." – John 10:7-11 (NASB)

I searched long and hard for that DSL modem on Tuesday. It wasn’t really a life or death activity. Searching for the right path to God, now that is an urgent affair. There is only One who can connect us to God and the big question of the day is: Are you searching for the right Jesus?

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