Saturday, February 13, 2010

Prayer Requests for Two Families

February 13, 2010

Dear Friend,

Earlier this evening, I received a phone call from my dear friend Michelle Grim. Michelle has been out here twice to speak at the Teens For Christ Rallies about the cult of Mormonism.

She called with two prayer requests. The main one concerns her daughter, Jackie (I know that is not the proper spelling,) who is in Ethiopia with Youth With A Mission. Jackie is serious ill with some sort of stomach parasite and was airlifted to the capital city, Addis Ababa, for medical treatment.

Jackie has lost nearly 20 pounds since being hospitalized and is not improving. Michelle’s husband, Kirk, is making plans to travel to Ethiopia to bring their daughter back to the United States.

Please pray for Jackie’s healing, safety and for the arrangements to get her back to the States. You can let Kirk and Michelle know that you are praying for them by emailing them at: You can even claim that you know me.

Due to the sensitive nature of Michelle’s work in counter cult ministry, I cannot share all of the details of the second request. It is a project that she has asked me to assist on concerning a ministry need in Alaska. Please pray for wisdom and guidance as she helps a community and the Christian congregations learn the truth about Mormonism.

You can also pray for one of our supporters, Jim Douglass, who is at Salina Regional Health Center with a very bad case of pneumonia. Jim and his wife Marilyn have been prayer partners and supporters of Teens For Christ for over 25 years. You can let them know that you are praying for them by emailing Jim and Marilyn at:

Thanks for lifting up these special needs and for all the times you pray for Lisa and me. Take care and God Bless You!


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